AAS Accessories
GBC manufactures a full range of atomic absorption sampling accessories to cover all analytical requirements.
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enduro T2100
enduro T2100 is GBC’s Flame and Graphite Furnace Tandem AAS with transverse heating and longitudinal Zeeman background correction as well as deuterium background correction.
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HG3000 Hydride System
The HG3000 Hydride generator forms part of a complete hydride system which can be used in conjunction with SavantAA and XplorAA AAS for trace level analysis of the hydride forming elements.
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SavantAA, GBC’s standard flagship model, is the 5th generation AAS from GBC that draws on a long tradition of excellence in design.
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SavantAA Σ
The SavantAA ∑ is the sum of all – the top of the range research grade Atomic Absorption Spectrometer.
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System 5000
System 5000 delivers sub ppb detection limit graphite furnace analysis and full automation.
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XplorAA is an affordable machine with 12 different configurations to fit your analytical need at the best price.
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