ICP-TOFMS Products
The GBC OptiMass is the World’s only SIMULTANEOUS Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer.
The OptiMass covers both traditional routine screening and sample analysis through to laser ablation, graphite furnace and HPLC interface applications. In fact, the OptiMass speed of analysis is particularly suited to any fast transient type analysis.
No matter what your Application, the OptiMass will analyse faster, more accurately and more cost effectively than ever before.
The OptiMass acquires all masses simultaneously. The analysis time is the same to analyse one mass or all masses.
The OptiMass performs 30,000 acquisitions each second. Each acquisition simultaneously measures every mass and isotope from mass 1 to mass 260 amu. This unique feature represents a major advancement in technology and differentiates the OptiMass from any other ICP Mass Spectrometer.
New software features such as Semi Quant, Retrospective Semi Quant, Fingerprinting and Auto Optimisation open up new avenues for mass spectroscopy. Transient analysis, improved isotope ratio measurements and up to 10 times faster analysis compared to conventional ICP-MS. Two of the major areas of application are certification of environmental reference materials and solutions, and forensic analysis. USEPA and Laser Ablation packages are also available.
OptiMass 9600
9600 builds upon the 9500 with advanced Octopole Collision Cell (OCC) for superior interface management.
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OptiMass 9500
Workhorse of GBC TOF mass spectrometer range offering proven performance that represents the benchmark of the ICP-TOFMS industry.
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